We are the leading provider of New Age
Personality Assessments in America

Lisa Garza

I always looked forward to reading them especially if I was feeling down or confused and it never failed, something you'd say would always give me something to think about positive about how I felt or was going thru at that time and moment. Thank you dear friend Sophia.

about 6 months ago
Sandy Ross

Without your higher minded readings I had no one else to validate my journey. Thank you so much Sofia for your friendship and all the very best for your future.I lived the Earth year of the dog or dingo in my case.It made me aware if my year ahead and it was spot on.

about 6 months ago
Becca Shear

The lover, as I was reading the paragraph or whatever that tells about me it was like the most spot on thing I have ever read from a personality quiz.

about 2 months ago
Melanie Donnahoe

have the Sage personality. This reading was frighteningly accurate.

about a month ago
Anna McLaughlin

Thank you it hit me right on the head it's like you know who I am.

about a month ago

Not Your Typical Personality Assessment Website

Forget about Myers Briggs or DISC. 123Personality.com (123P) is not your 1990s personality testing website. At 123P, our mission is not to just make people feel good but also encourage a sense of self-discovery into their “Inner Self” to allow one to realize their greatest potential. We deliver this promise by offering our readers FREE ACCESS to all of our New Age personality assessment tools and resources. It is through these tools that our readers can be empowered to learn more about their inner selves to live a more meaningful life. Founded in November 2017, our company has successfully delivered over 1 million New Age personality assessments in USA alone.

We empower millions of everyday Americans with Personalized Insights

New Assessments completed daily
Female Baby Boomers
Major Cities Reached
Email readership

Why Work With Us?

123P is your Customer Acquisition Partner
We can match your product with our evergreen, fast-growing audience

Businesses Choose Us When They’re In One Of These 4 Industries

Seminars and Events

Seminars and Events

If you have an upcoming LIVE seminar event – related to New Age, Personal Development or Health, then we have motivated readers who will be eager to take up your offer. LIVE events (be it offline or an online webinar) are always in HOT demand by our readers as it’s a great way for them to interact with the gurus.

Women’s Health

Women’s Health

If you have a pill, powder, or liquid then we can match you with women that are over 35 and living in the United States. We have readers that expressed high interest in learning more about bettering their health, and picking up the latest alternative health supplements over pharmaceuticals.

Personal Development

Personal Development

If you sell ebooks in the Personal development or New Age space – or anything related to Law of Attraction, manifestation, we have readers that would be keen to hear about your latest eBook or product launch. We have worked with many publishers and product creators in this space to get their products to our most qualified audience.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

If you’re an app developer or an app publisher with apps in the Meditation or Mindfulness space, and like to leverage on a platform such as an email list to drive hundreds of thousands of downloads in a short period of 2-3 days, we can help. 75% of our readers consume our daily content on their mobile phones. Downloading your app is frictionless and instant.

We have spent over $2,000,000… you would do well buying from 123P

We have spent over $2,000,000 in email drops, exhausted most of the avaliable email lists on the market and have been finding it harder to find new lists to buy anymore. When Joel first approached me, I was skeptical 123P’s New Age lists would even buy our health supplements offers. We managed to break even and he went out of his way to help us profit even more as well. You would do well to try buying from 123P.

Janice, Media Buyer, Truegenics

Janice, Media Buyer, Truegenics

“My investment got me 3893 clicks and $2459 USD in sales.”

I purchased a package for an e-mail drop on the 3rd of August to my freegift. It was my first time testing this traffic channel so I wasn’t sure what to expect. This wasn’t a solo-ad but had a 100 character adspace on the emails to their list. After seeing the results in 2 days, I was little blown away when I immediately got back was a positive ROI.

My investment got me 3893 clicks and $2459 USD in sales. That was a positive ROI for this spend. I acquired CPL at a profit which is rare. Basically I got leads for free and made money. The quality of the clicks were very high 90%+ T1’s. I will be back for more as this is a gem. I highly recommend this traffic.

John, Manifestation Magic Creator

John, Manifestation Magic Creator

Why We Can Get You Results

Unlike other companies, our list is not bulked up with names from countries outside of the United States and UK, nor with younger demographics.
Instead, we focused on quality. 80% of our database is made up of the Baby Boomer generation in the United States.


Simple. Because the baby boomer generation continues to be the wealthiest generation in USA history, controlling over 70% of the entire county’s disposable income.
A highly engaged list, with more disposable income means more sales for you.

Email Is Our #1 Speciality

There is a lot of hype about Social Media. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter have revolutionized the way we communicate online.

They are all wonderful, and we use them in our business.

However, at 123P, email marketing is still our #1 most effective communication channel with our readers.

It's the foundation behind our ultra high engagement with our readers.

In short, we reach over 1.2+ MILLION USERS BY EMAIL DAILY!

Contact Us


    • contact(at)123personality.com
    • 123personality.com
    • 123 Personality Pte. Ltd.
      45B Temple St. Singapore 058590.